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We study a component inventory planning problem in an assemble‐to‐order environment faced by many contract manufacturers in which both quick delivery and efficient management of component inventory are crucial for the manufacturers to achieve profitability in a highly competitive market. Extending a recent study in a similar problem setting by the same authors, we analyze an optimization model for determining the optimal component stocking decision for a contract manufacturer facing an uncertain future demand, where product price depends on the delivery times. In contrast to our earlier work, this paper considers the situation where the contract manufacturer needs to deliver the full order quantity in one single shipment. This delivery requirement is appropriate for many industries, such as the garment and toy industries, where the economies of scale in transportation is essential. We develop efficient solution procedures for solving this optimization problem. We use our model results to illustrate how the different model parameters affect the optimal solution. We also compare the results under this full‐shipment model with those from our earlier work that allows for multiple partial shipments. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
一种不需要特征值分解的MUSIC方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
MUSIC方法是空间谱估计中经典的子空间方法。提出了一种构造参考信号的预处理模型,提出了一种适合于MUSIC方法的多级维纳滤波结构。新方法避免了采样数据二阶统计的特征值分解,降低了运算量。仿真结果证明了方法的有效性。  相似文献   
LS-DSP是用于航天图像处理的数字信号处理器,内部的协处理器由处理元PE阵列构成。路由器则是实现PE阵列网格互连的专用部件,也是操作最频繁的部件。如何降低处理器功耗,提高算法的执行效率是一个非常重要的研究课题。针对LS-DSP路由器的电路进行门控时钟的低功耗设计改进,并以算法为例进行了控制、执行过程功耗分析和比较。实验结果表明,改进结构的路由器降低功耗76%。  相似文献   
对空中航位推算(DR)算法做了深入研究,提出了适用于小型无人机(UAV)的风速估计策略;将算法中各元素的误差对推算定位精度的影响进行了理论分析与数值计算;该研究结果应用于某小型UAV的航位推算/GPS组合导航系统的设计与实现中;飞行试验表明,通过提高对DR误差影响较大的元素的测量精度和风速的估计精度,有效提高了DR推算精度,与以往其他小型UAVs相比,在断开GPS对DR的修正后,DR精度保持在一定范围的持续时间显著延长.  相似文献   
为提高信号到达角(AOA)的测量精度,采用修正的窗函数加权平均算法和基于机动加速度的非零均值时间相关模型的自适应卡尔曼滤波算法,将信号到达角的变化轨迹看作是一种做加速度机动的运动,实现对连续变化信号到达角的参数估计.计算机仿真验证了算法的有效性和可行性,证明该方法有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   
给出了脱靶量的定义,建立了小口径高炮虚拟校射脱靶量的一维数学模型,分析了脱耙量的统计性质,在此基础上运用贝叶斯估计理论,推导出校正量的最优估计量方程,并进行了相应分析.脱靶量可以作为一种离散的随机序列,任何一种特定的脱靶量序列均可表示为某种蜕化的广义马尔柯夫序列;脱靶量状态的最优估计问题是:基于观测输出{x(k);k=0,1,2,…}先验信息求取状态X(k)的最优滤波估计^X(k/k),使估计误差的方差最小,从而大大提高小高炮的射击精度.  相似文献   
防空武器系统生存能力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了现代战场环境条件下影响防空武器系统生存能力的主要因素,建立了一个防空武器系统生存能力评价的指标体系,给出了各级分指标的量化评价思路和方法,采用加权算术平均法和加权几何平均法进行指标综合.提供了一个生存能力快速量化评价的实用模型.  相似文献   
为满足舰载传感器或武器系统论证、设计、试验、评估、训练等全生命周期的应用,对新型舰载警戒探测与跟踪雷达中频信号模拟器的系统体系和组成进行了探讨,介绍了系统的功能和技术指标,重点研究了软件无线电在雷达中频信号模拟中的应用、雷达电磁环境和目标回波仿真等一些关键技术,包括目标航迹模拟、目标回波模拟、杂波信号模拟、雷达接收天线仿真、雷达天线方向图仿真等.采用软件无线电技术和软硬件相结合的方法较逼真地实现了海战场复杂电磁环境下雷达中频信号的模拟.  相似文献   
This paper studies a new steady‐state simulation output analysis method called replicated batch means in which a small number of replications are conducted and the observations in these replications are grouped into batches. This paper also introduces and compares methods for selecting the initial state of each replication. More specifically, we show that confidence intervals constructed by the replicated batch means method are valid for large batch sizes and derive expressions for the expected values and variances of the steady‐state mean and variance estimators for stationary processes and large sample sizes. We then use these expressions, analytical examples, and numerical experiments to compare the replicated batch means method with the standard batch means and multiple replications methods. The numerical results, which are obtained from an AR(1) process and a small, nearly‐decomposable Markov chain, show that the multiple replications method often gives confidence intervals with poorer coverage than the standard and replicated batch means methods and that the replicated batch means method, implemented with good choices of initialization method and number of replications, provides confidence interval coverages that range from being comparable with to being noticeably better than coverages obtained by the standard batch means method. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
While there has been significant previous literature on inventory transshipment, most research has focused on the dealers' demand filling decision (when to fill transshipment requests from other dealers), ignoring the requesting decision (when to send transshipment requests to other dealers). In this paper we develop optimal inventory transshipment policies that incorporate both types of decisions. We consider a decentralized system in which the dealers are independent of the manufacturer and of each other. We first study a network consisting of a very large number of dealers. We prove that the optimal inventory and transshipment decisions for an individual dealer are controlled by threshold rationing and requesting levels. Then, in order to study the impact of transshipment among independent dealers in a smaller dealer network, we consider a decentralized two‐dealer network and use a game theoretic approach to characterize the equilibrium inventory strategies of the individual dealers. An extensive numerical study highlights the impact of the requesting decision on the dealers' equilibrium behavior in a decentralized setting. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   
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